You have lots of records that need to be retained for a long time, and you need the audit trail to match the record life-span. The challenge is that Microsoft Purview only retains the audit trail for 1 year with an E5 license. This can be extended to 10 years with an additional license, but this is not nearly enough for many categories of records. Additionally, the Microsoft Purview audit log does not capture all of the information that is needed for dashboards and reporting.
Infotechtion extends the storage of audit log to its database for the life of the record together with all custom metadata needed as part of disposition evidence. The table below indicates what Purview captures natively and what Infotechtion captures in addition:
Ensures audit log is available for the life of the records.
Maintains more information and evidence related to disposed records.
The enhanced Purview audit log is invaluable for the analysis of retention information and the presentation of management information in dashboards and reports.
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