Data Discovery and Security

The Infotechtion i-ARM solutions extends Microsoft data risk, security and governance framework, providing a single solution to secure and govern your data estate across M365, Microsoft Azure, AWS, hosted infrastructure and several 3rd party solutions.

Your Challenge:

  • You have large amounts of files and dark data in SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Exchange, file servers, Azure files, Azure blobs, and third-party systems.

  • The central governance and security teams doesn’t know what data has business or regulatory value

  • Microsoft Purview manages data stored in Microsoft 365 and Azure, but not 3rd party solutions

  • Microsoft Purview portal provides role-based access to tenant-wide content, not limited access and governance based on business area, function, or region/country

Our Solution:

The i-ARM solution leverages the power of AI along with Microsoft Purview to analyze, enrich, and classify information automatically in Microsoft 365, Azure, fileservers, and 3rd party solutions.

  • Microsoft trainable classifiers.

  • KQL classification capabilities from wordlists, regular expressions, proximity ranking, adaptive scopes location definitions.

  • Microsoft Sensitive Information Types.

  • Microsoft Syntex auto-classification and data extraction.

  • Retention Labels and Content Types from associated cloud-based retention schedule products, such as Access Corporation’s Virgo or Iron Mountain’s Policy Center.

Establish a target operating model for embedding and sustaining the Data centric risk, compliance and governance control framework

Maintain a centralised model of all data centric business, risk, compliance and security controls by regulations.

Maintain a Data Map of ALL enterprise systems associated with a Fileplan of classifications applicable to each system.

Active policy enforcement to data assets, supported by a defensible discovery process to demonstrate compliance.

Microsoft Purview portal provides role-based access to tenant-wide content, not limited access based on business area, function, or region/country. i-ARM improves this to empower the business to govern own data by providing them insights and remediation.

i-ARM improves this to empower the business to govern own data by providing them insights and remediation.

  • Identity and delete redundant, obsolete, and trivial data (ROT) incl. duplicates

  • Review, set, and/or correct wrong Sensitivity label classifications at scale

  • Review, set, and/or correct wrong Retention/Record label classifications at scale

  • Review and delete files at the end of the retention schedule

  • Review and classify files that have not yet been classified at scale

Automated Data Discovery & Classification

Data Explorer dashboard

Data Usage across Copilot, Cloud and Endpoints

Sharing Overview in i-ARM

Data Lifecycle, Disposal and Archival

Data Sharing and Exfiltration

Sharing Overview in i-ARM

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