Microsoft’s AI Offerings: From Copilot to Azure AI and Beyond


Within the last 50 years we had several technological booms that completely, and irreversibly changed our lives. Starting with the personal computer boom happening around 1980’s, then the Internet boom in the 1990s and 2000’s and Mobile Revolution in the 2000’s. For the past two years (as of writing this blog in 2024) we have […]

Are you an information hoarder?


In a recent workshop with one of our clients, I learned that they had to increase their storage limits for OneDrive several times already. This got me thinking, knowing that information should be a shared corporate asset, why do employees hoard much data in their personal workspaces? This situation reminded me of the TV series […]

Business Information Inventory


Information is your biggest asset If you’ve ever read any of our previous blogs or surfed the web for information-related content, you’ve probably bumped into the phrase ‘information is your biggest asset’ or its variations. Information is like gold for companies, cherished just like Gollum treasures the Precious. As we have seen in many of […]

Metadata extraction with Microsoft Syntex


The world of AI In recent times the main goal for many companies, including Microsoft was making work-life easier by allowing users to utilize the power of AI so that users can spend less time on mundane activities. Microsoft Syntex is a user-friendly, low-code solution that offers simplicity in both comprehension and setup. It leverages […]

Optimizing Document Lifecycle in SharePoint


From the moment a document is created to its eventual disposition, it goes through a series of stages that can be both exciting and challenging. But fear not, Infotechtion is here to guide you through all the steps of document lifecycle process in SharePoint. In this blog post we’ll take you on a journey from […]

The importance and benefits of change management in digital transformations


Learn how to swim and not drown The unfortunate events from two years ago have forced many of us to do a 180-degree switch to the ways we work. Enabling the ability to work remotely and implementation of digital collaboration spaces have become number one priority for a lot of companies. Usage of solutions like […]

Records vs. Non Records – Keep The Value, Delete The ROT


It is predicted that by 2025 global data creation will reach 175 ZB (zettabytes). Is it a lot you might wonder, let me put it into a perspective: an average word document has a size of just 321kB (kilobytes). In one ZB we can store 311’500’000’000’000-word files! Now take that and multiply by 175, does […]

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