Microsoft SharePoint online records management has made a significant transformation in recent years to excel as a complete cloud-based content services platform. Whether it is Modern sites, Hub sites, improved Power platform, or even the Project cortex to bring more automation and machine learning value to SharePoint users.
With the introduction of Unified Labels (retention and sensitivity), SharePoint online records management ( and other Office 365 applications) can now be configured to manage a comprehensive information governance lifecycle to meet business, legal and regulatory requirements.
However, before we dive into implementation details of SharePoint online records management, its important to cover the basics of the key feature which drives information governance behaviors within Office 365. The infographic used in this blogpost summarizes the workings of retention labels (SharePoint online records management) which when applied to any information, define its lifecycle, controls, and disposition.
Retention Labels in Microsoft Office 365
Retention labels provide a ‘zero code’ solution to meet SharePoint online records management requirements. Furthermore, these fully integrate with SharePoint operations and search, thus enabling information move, site restructure, sharing, and discovering information a seamless and simple task for users and site admins.
Watch this short video in which I explain various options to configure retention labels in Microsoft 365 Compliance Centre. The video also explains a comparison between E3 and E5 licensing for Microsoft information governance.
Microsoft Office365 compliance now supports a truly immutable record known as 'Regulatory Record'
Impact of Retention Label Configuration on file Actions
This is an essential information to understand before implementing Retention labels / Record labels / Regulatory record labels. Each configuration has an impact on your end users, and you must consider proactive change communication and training to your user community.
Impact of Record Configuration on Files
Whilst retention labels provide a market standard feature for SharePoint online records management, integrating them with existing SharePoint sites, custom solutions, and user behaviors can become a challenge. Read and download the definitive technical guide to modernize and deploy retention labels for SharePoint online records management. Labels managing information behaviors (editing, deletion, sharing etc.) must not disrupt business workflows, hence it is essential that a user-focussed ‘functional architecture’ and a deployment roadmap is developed and validated through ‘proof of concepts’ before introducing a full-scale labeling implementation project.
Infotechtion can help you drive the Information Governance (IG) adoption journey through simplified user experience (UX) and seamless automation. Infotechtion is now offering a fast track self-service trial of Microsoft records management features with pre-configured use cases. Customers benefit from a 10x faster adoption journey to ‘see in action’ and learn about other customer success stories regards to the implementation of records management in SharePoint online.
Watch this short video for more information or register your interest through the Infotechtion proof-of-concept page.
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