With hundreds of retention categories and all the supporting details in your retention schedule you have the challenge of keeping the rules updated in your multiple content workstreams. You have solved part of the problem with M365 in that your emails, documents, chats, meetings details are all now able to be retained under the same roof, keeping the legal rules and details up to date in multiple systems is a challenge over time.
Your Records Managers don’t have time to learn all the configuration, reporting and updating tasks required from Purview, and your M365 architects don’t have time to learn all the intricacies of records management mandates.
We bridge the gap between your Records Manager and your M365 Architect so that each can more effectively work with the other to ensure your retention schedule is synchronized to your M365 file plan and retention labels. Along with bringing all our knowledge and legal expertise into M365, we provide persistent metrics and dashboard insights to track progress and manage KPIs and OKRs. Our connector synchronizes retention schedules from Iron Mountain (Policy Center) and Access Corporation (Virgo).
We also clean up the disposition review process bringing together all document review communications for a single individual into simple emails and web-based dashboards to make easier and more efficient decisions.
Let’s start an amazing project together. We’re excited to hear about your ideas and work with you to turn them into reality. Contact us today to get started.
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