Microsoft Records Management: 8 options for collaborative spaces


I have previously written about how to automate M365 Information Governance and Records Management, and I will in this post explain your Microsoft Records Management options for active collaborative spaces. In most scenarios, only the user will know when a collaborative document is final and should be declared as a record. Option 1: Get users […]

Automate Information Governance with M365 AI and Machine Learning


Earlier this year we did a webinar explaining how to automate information governance and records management in Microsoft 365 (M365), and I will in this blog post explain Sensitive Information Types, Trainable Classifiers, and SharePoint Syntex in more detail. Sensitive Information Types As part of the E3 license, you have Sensitive Information Types with 200+ […]

Retention for Exchange, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Online


An important M365 design decision is to determine if all information should have a lifecycle, not just records. Research by the Compliance Governance & Oversight Council found that in average, 25% of information has business value, 5% is subject to regulatory record keeping requirements, 2% is subject to legal hold, and 68% is redundant, outdated, […]

Automate M365 Information Governance and Records Management


Oof relying on staff to manually identify and classify important information, e.g. manually apply a M365 record label. By automating M365 Information Governance and Records Management, the burden is then moved from users to the IT/IM/Compliance department for setting up a framework and solution that automate the classification of information. Microsoft 365 (M365) has a […]

From Big Buckets to Records Management in M365


I have previously written about the value of big bucket retention categories to make it easier for users and machines to select the right retention to ensure compliance with business standards and regulations. I am a big fan of Susan Cisco´s work around big bucket categories, and below are some of her big buckets pros […]

Azure AI for M365 Information Governance and Protection


Microsoft Azure has Cognitive Services available that can be used for auto-classification of files and images. This include the following features: Natural language processing skills include entity recognition, language detection, key phrase extraction, text manipulation, sentiment detection, and PII detection. Image processing skills include Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and identification of visual features, such as […]

M365 governance as foundation for innovation


Information is the new oil – it can be used to add value, reduce costs, manage risks, and disrupt competition. But for many organizations, a lot of their corporate information is out of reach and difficult to find. Cloud platforms as a game changer With a hosted architecture, companies often had to buy a […]

Webinar: Automate M365 governance with new Microsoft machine learning and AI


Webinar Wednesday February 24th, 2021 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 18:00 CET Microsoft has introduced new AI and machine learning that can automate how important data and content is identified and classified. This will improve search and discovery, but also ensure compliance with business standards and regulations, e.g. GDPR. Attend this webinar to […]

Microsoft Records Management Auto-Classification Options


Classification Options Many organizations try to rely on users to manually identify, capture, and classify records that should be retained, but this depends on users always doing the right thing to ensure compliance. A better approach is compliance-by-design. Records management happens automatically based on how users are storing or working with documents. Many large and […]

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