Microsoft 365 Records Management deep-dive with Microsoft Engineering


The key to a successful business is to have a well kept and organized information governance framework. Information chaos leads to cerebral pains and clutter, making it troublesome to preserve a productive working environment. A well-maintained record administration handle makes a difference and helps businesses stay compliant with record-keeping controls, avoid security dangers, improve overall […]

How do you architect Retention Labels Configuration?


In my earlier blog post, we covered the basics of Microsoft information governance and retention labels for records management in SharePoint Online, Teams, and other Microsoft 365 workloads. An integral part of ensuring Governance is architecture. Most organizations are moving towards automated methods of classification for both compliance and creating value from information. How you […]

5 Key Inflection Points Driving Automation in Microsoft Information Governance


John Mancini reviews 5 key inflection points regarding Microsoft information governance and why they are important to us in the present age of digital transformation. As Microsoft 365 technology progresses at warp speed so does the need for information governance in Microsoft platform. Microsoft aims to optimize it as much as possible as it increasingly […]

3 Tips for Information governance in Microsoft Teams


We have seen an interesting inflection point with regards to what’s going on in the world related to significant digital transformation and increased remote working as the new normal for collaboration. This has people thinking about the platform benefits which has the multifaceted content capability for remote working. Microsoft 365 is increasingly luring people into […]

Information Governance Data Mapping


Data mapping is a key activity while determining information architecture, information flow, and manage data privacy / regulatory risks. Once you know the risks associated with information, a data map can be an effective tool in prioritizing the transition of information to a compliant destination or making disposition decisions. What is the Interactive Information […]

Microsoft Information Governance with Project Cortex


An introduction to Project Cortex Its a new Microsoft 365 product designed to create a knowledge network from enterprise content, managing large volumes of enterprise content through a suite of AI capabilities to analyze content, and extract key information/metadata to connect similar extracted information into logical knowledge topics across Microsoft 365. Project Cortex is built […]

Why Microsoft Information Governance initiatives MUST go beyond risk management?


Updated: Sep 6, 2020 In this digital age and especially since COVID-19 a digital transformation at WARP speed is happening with an increasing risk of constant threat. Hence it is right that most Microsoft information governance initiatives are being driven by objective to deal with enterprise data responsibly and make sure only information retained is where […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Record Revisions


Updated:May 6, 2020 Microsoft’s records management in SharePoint Online has significantly matured in recent years to meet the records management requirements of most regulations and scalable to complexities of large enterprises. A key feature of records management in SharePoint online is the ability to Label a file and; Apply retention rules to manage its lifecycle, […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Record Revisions


Updated: May 6, 2020 Microsoft’s records management in SharePoint Online has significantly matured in recent years to meet the records management requirements of most regulations and scalable to complexities of large enterprises. A key feature of records management in SharePoint online is the ability to Label a file and; Apply retention rules to manage its lifecycle, […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Modernization Approach


As organizations embark on a transition to Information governance in Microsoft SharePoint online, a key step in the journey is the adoption of the SharePoint online Modern experience User interface (MUI). This has become increasingly essential for organizations to modernize their existing customizations as Microsoft is starting to switch off support for classic components. Microsoft’s […]

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