7 Lessons on IG adoption to help you deliver success: Guest Blog


I am delighted to share key insights by Mark Jackson on leading a complex Information governance business adoption program. Information Governance Insights from a Change and Communication Expert. I (Mark Jackson) remember coming off the phone to the recruiter asking me to join a team working on lifting an organization’s information governance maturity level and […]

Microsoft Teams Governance extends to Teams recordings


Microsoft Teams meetings when recorded are stored by default to Microsoft Stream. Most organisations also have an increasing need to apply governance especially consistent sharing and retention policies. As stream is not integrated with Microsoft governance features, this provides a fragmented governance experience for Teams administrators and users. Organisations can now change this behaviour by […]

Microsoft Teams and Governance are better together


Microsoft Teams is more than just a technology, it is a platform for a new way of working, getting the most out of MS Teams requires a focus on team effectiveness and governance. Microsoft Teams’ adoption without an organized and predictable way to govern the teamwork effectiveness, lifecycle, privacy, and security will always have a […]

Microsoft Teams compliance


Information management without an organized and predictable way to govern the lifecycle, privacy, and security will always have a direct or indirect impact on the productivity, reputation, and profit of an organization. As an example, if you have a meeting organized with external parties, they still have access to the chat associated with the meeting. […]

Office 365 Compliance with Intelligent File Experience in Microsoft 365


Microsoft 365 recent updates bring a consistent experience across Onedrive for business, SharePoint, Outlook, and Microsoft Teams. The consistency and seamless experience continue to build on the theme of built-in office 365 compliance. Let’s look at how Artificial intelligence and interoperability provides real-time office 365 compliance and governance. Office 365 interoperability for file sharing experience […]

The Impact of Office 365 Compliance


Most enterprises are now adopting Office 365 compliance to better connect people, information, and knowledge. This creates new challenges – but also opportunities – for transforming governance and protection of corporate information. As an example, the below image shows some of the ways Office 365 store files and conversations.   Office 365 architecture The ever-expanding […]

Top Adoption Challenges with Microsoft Information Governance


The disruption created by Microsoft 365 is forcing a collision between two traditional markets. Traditional enterprise content management (ECM) vendors are rearchitecting their platforms to be cloud-native, while vendors with heritage in cloud enterprise file sync and share have pivoted to broader content repository services. According to Forrester, this market overlap has resulted in a […]

Data Governance or Information Governance?


I have come to realize that there is a lot of confusion between data governance and information governance. This has become more noticeable as I am helping organizations set up an information governance product discipline for managing information compliance in Microsoft 365 and other content services platforms. Hence I decided to ask the experts in […]

Microsoft Information Governance – A roundtable discussion with industry experts


I had the pleasure of joining the European records management society and pick some of the finest brains and authorities in the industry regards to the Office 365 Compliance features. Microsoft 365 has come a long way on its journey to provide built-in governance and protection features, and sessions like these ensure the industry experts […]

Microsoft 365 Records Management deep-dive with Microsoft Engineering


The key to a successful business is to have a well kept and organized information governance framework. Information chaos leads to cerebral pains and clutter, making it troublesome to preserve a productive working environment. A well-maintained record administration handle makes a difference and helps businesses stay compliant with record-keeping controls, avoid security dangers, improve overall […]

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