So you learnt how to crawl, and now you want to run


So, You Think You are Ready to Run… But have you learned to walk yet?If you recall, in March we published a blog titled, “Fixing the Basics: The Importance of Learning to Crawl before Walking and Running,” in which we outlined some of the key foundational elements necessary to reach the goal of having an […]

Fixing the Basics: The Importance of Learning to Crawl before Walking and Running


Fixing the Basics: The Importance of Learning to Crawl before Walking and Running From building houses to developing an effective, efficient and secure data, information and records management programme, starting with a strong foundation is essential for success. When Infotechtion starts working with a client, our initial assessment is focused on reviewing your foundations – […]

What do you do when your client doesn’t think the tools suit their needs?


I have been a consultant in the fields of records management and information governance for approximately 15 years and I have yet to meet a client that we (I never did it alone!) could not help. That being said, there have been challenges along the way and clients who are “non-believers”. So, what do you […]

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