M365 Retention Label Triggers and Versioning


Microsoft 365 Retention & Records management features allows the use of retention labels for applying retention settings at a granular level i.e. items – individual documents & emails. We know the retention triggers, based on which the retention duration is calculated for a document. But is there a difference in how individual versions are retained […]

Adaptive Policy Scopes – M365 Retention


If you follow the latest announcements from the Microsoft Information Governance product team, then you must have already heard about a new feature in the Microsoft Information governance and retention management solutions space. Its called the Adaptive Policy Scopes. We have been a part of the preview program and have been testing this amazing feature. […]

Multi-Stage Disposition Reviews in M365 Records Management


Disposition reviews are a very important part of Retention and Records Management features. Microsoft 365 Information governance & Records Management workloads have had the ability for information managers / records managers to make sure information goes through a review cycle before its end of life. This process of reviewing information to confirm its deletion is […]

Microsoft Teams and Site templates to automate M365 Information Governance


Perhaps, the most important part of information governance is the use site / Teams’ templates. These templates define the structure of your site or team. Consider it is as a sketch of the site / team that tells you what components will be included when the template is deployed. For SharePoint site it means that […]

The New Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer


We are introducing together with Microsoft a new tool called the Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer (MCCA). MCCA is a PowerShell utility to automatically validate your compliance configuration across Microsoft 365. MCCA generates a HTML based report upon execution and provides you with all the details about your tenant’s compliance configurations and actionable insights to improve […]

Everything you need to know about Microsoft Teams App Templates


This blog will help you learn all there is to know about Microsoft Teams App Templates. First, we will get to know what apps in MS Teams really are. Then, I will give an overview of Microsoft Teams App Templates and some of the key benefits of using app templates. I will also highlight some […]

Apply Sensitivity Labels to Documents & Emails, Containers or Both – New Improved UI


The option to apply sensitivity labels for containers i.e. SharePoint Sites, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Groups went live a couple of months ago. Sensitivity labels when applied to containers allow users to configure the following protection settings Control Privacy (public or private) of teams sites and Microsoft 365 groups External user access (Limited to […]

SharePoint Syntex and Information Governance – Better Together


Microsoft has announced its first product based on Project Cortex that will be available for all commercial customers from October 1, 2020. It’s called the SharePoint Syntex. SharePoint Syntex uses AI to organize content. It lets users build no-code AI models that can be trained by users themselves. Syntex then uses these models to automatically […]

Access Microsoft Graph API using msal-browser


In the previous part of this blog post series, we looked at how the authorization code grant flow with PKCE works and why your single page applications should consider moving to this authentication flow instead of the implicit grant flow. For a quick recap, look at the image below to understand the token flow with […]

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