Fixing the Basics: The Importance of Learning to Crawl before Walking and Running


Fixing the Basics: The Importance of Learning to Crawl before Walking and Running From building houses to developing an effective, efficient and secure data, information and records management programme, starting with a strong foundation is essential for success. When Infotechtion starts working with a client, our initial assessment is focused on reviewing your foundations – […]

On Board with CoPilot | Are you Modern Workplace Ready?


On Board with CoPilot | Are you Modern Workplace Ready? If you haven’t been living under a rock, chances are you’ve come across the buzz around CoPilot in the tech community, sparking curiosity, discussion, and even concerns about perceived risks. When you think about it, a solution that’s effective, quick and promises an immense productivity boost—what’s not to […]

Optimising Information Governance: The Synergistic Union of Records Management and SharePoint Metadata


Enthusiastic users of Microsoft Purview’s Record Management solution know that it is an excellent tool to facilitate the fulfilment of your organisation’s legal obligations, providing the ability to demonstrate compliance with regulations, and increasing efficiency with regular disposition of items. The journey commences with the creation and meticulous configuration of a retention label using a […]

Business Information Inventory


Information is your biggest asset If you’ve ever read any of our previous blogs or surfed the web for information-related content, you’ve probably bumped into the phrase ‘information is your biggest asset’ or its variations. Information is like gold for companies, cherished just like Gollum treasures the Precious. As we have seen in many of […]

Mastering AI: Unveiling the Power of MS Purview Trainable Classifiers


In today’s landscape, engaging in a substantive debate on any topic invariably involves delving into the profound influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential implications within that specific context. In the realm of Information Governance (IG), Microsoft has undeniably demonstrated the influence and importance of AI through MS Purview. In this article, we will […]

Microsoft Information Protection Best Practices


Most companies have now started to realize that they need to improve how important and sensitive information is protected in Microsoft 365 and beyond. This could be sensitive market information, commercial information, information about customers and staff, and other information that should not leave the organization. Why information protection: 34% of data breaches involved internal […]

Microsoft Information Protection – Trainable Classifiers


Entropy – the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system [merriam-webster dictionary] Every organization starts with a fairly defined way of working to achieve its goal. This includes processes, people, information and technology. Initially everything works fine, everyone is following the process and things seem organized exactly the way the organization aimed for. As […]

M365 Retention Label Triggers and Versioning


Microsoft 365 Retention & Records management features allows the use of retention labels for applying retention settings at a granular level i.e. items – individual documents & emails. We know the retention triggers, based on which the retention duration is calculated for a document. But is there a difference in how individual versions are retained […]

What is Microsoft Priva?


So you heard us announcing the Microsoft Priva at our webinar – Establish an information protection and privacy strategy with Microsoft Principal Group Program Manager Nishan DeSilva. I will build on from the webinar and provide further insights into Microsoft Priva. Microsoft Priva is a new category of features in Microsoft Compliance Centre, providing solutions […]

Microsoft Information Security vs Information Protection


Safeguard your Enterprise Information Ecosystem with Microsoft Information Security and Information Protection tools. Organizations nowadays have to be more resilient than ever. The need for organizations to remain Business As Usual (BAU) has increased exposure to external threats/risks by hackers, data theft, architectural loopholes, ultimately leading to customers’ lack of trust in the ability of […]

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