Investment and Benefit Strategy for Copilot

A strategic look at adding Copilot value Let me start with a quick segue into investments to provide a framework for maximizing your Copilot value. Many people invest in stocks by looking for the hottest opportunity. Investment funds by their nature are trying to bring together the top investments into a fund offering. It can be […]
Leveraging Existing Auto-classification Technologies to Prepare for Copilot

I see a lot of excitement among clients about the possibilities of what Copilot can do for their Purview data governance and information protection journeys. It is important not to forget to think about what you can do for Copilot, in anticipation. There are a number of things you can do with your existing investments […]
Garbage In, Goldmine Out: Curating your Training Sets for CoPilot AI

Curating your Shared Network Drives and SharePoint Training Sets for MS CoPilot AI We have come a long way since file analysis tools and defensible disposition helped to mitigate the risk and cost of shared drives. Organizations that tried simple clean-up projects alone, often failed to see long term strategic benefits. If clean-up was part […]
M365 Licensing Options for Maximizing Records Management Compliance for Law Firms

In today’s digital age, law firms must be able to manage large volumes of information, including client files, case documents, and legal research more effectively. Like most law firms, you have probably made the important next steps, moving to M365, in being able to effectively manage information while you are conferring with a client on […]
You GOT this! Tackling unstructured content ownership

Many years ago, in one of my less favorite towns, but more favorite clients, we embarked on a project to clean up their shared drive environment in anticipation of a transformation to SharePoint. The preconceived process was that they would ask the “content owners” to decide what is valuable (a record) and what is not. […]
Document Autoclassification Strategies

Once again, be careful with the fact that the exact same piece of content can be classified in different ways depending on function, not content. An invoice is an invoice, unless it is training material for an invoicing system, unless it is evidence of fraud or litigation about payments, unless it is sample data, unless […]
Document Autoclassification using Content: Similarity and Topic Comparisons

Similarity and Topics Similarity classifies by determining how close one document is to another. This is one area where AI is being leveraged. There are a number of variants to this capability but generally, if you know that one thing is a true representation of what you are looking for (an “exemplar”), other things that […]
Document Autoclassification using Content: Keywords, Number and Word Patterns

Keywords A word (or set of words) can be associated with a type, metadata or security. Usually, a keyword to find a type of content (like using the word “contract” to find a contract) is problematic for a number of reasons and is not very useful. You will find contracts, but you will also find […]
Document Autoclassification using Context: File Extensions, Metadata and Properties

File extensions This is the easiest entry point into classifying content because it can be done with a good >DIR command and a spreadsheet. It is done without needing to access and open the content – which makes it fast. It can also be done very efficiently from the cloud. The file extension mostly tells […]
Document Autoclassification: Source and Purpose

Before we start looking at classification techniques, a few concepts need to be defined. Source data The information we rely on to classify content automatically comes from three sources within a single document. Format – Format often includes the coding that allows a specific application to work with it. It can also include any structure […]