Transforming Network Shared Drives for M365


Updated: May 24, 2020 The largest collection of unstructured and ungoverned content in most organizations is the shared network drive. The mere existence of this content means that your organization is likely under-compliant in a number of critical areas, mostly because this information is so hard to see and manage. It is therefore also difficult to […]

Why Microsoft Information Governance initiatives MUST go beyond risk management?


Updated: Sep 6, 2020 In this digital age and especially since COVID-19 a digital transformation at WARP speed is happening with an increasing risk of constant threat. Hence it is right that most Microsoft information governance initiatives are being driven by objective to deal with enterprise data responsibly and make sure only information retained is where […]

Records Management in SharePoint
Online – information lifecycle model


Updated: Sep 6, 2020 The value of information changes over time, and an information lifecycle model will help you to manage this in Microsoft Office 365. It is not only about preserving information assets, but also getting rid of redundant, outdated, and trivial (ROT) data and content. The benefits of getting rid of ROT include: Improved […]

When Work Happens in Office 365 –
upgrade or replace your ECM system?


Updated: Sep 6, 2020 Most organizations rely on one or more Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems to manage documents and records, but realize that the systems could be improved. Too much manual process Slow performance Poor user experience Expensive to maintain and support Information is still stored in too many places This often means that ECM […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Disposition Reviews


Updated: Sep 6, 2020 What should happen to records at the end of the retention schedule? For records Management with Office 365, you have 3 out-of-the-box options: Automatic Deletion, Disposition Review, or Do Nothing. This can also be customized to meet other requirements, e.g. transfer to archive.   Triggering a disposition review at the end of […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Record Revisions


Updated:May 6, 2020 Microsoft’s records management in SharePoint Online has significantly matured in recent years to meet the records management requirements of most regulations and scalable to complexities of large enterprises. A key feature of records management in SharePoint online is the ability to Label a file and; Apply retention rules to manage its lifecycle, […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Event Based Retention


Updated: May 7, 2020 You should know by now that the key to managing records in Office 365 is not SharePoint Online, but Retention and Record labels.   Many organizations have retention starting with an event instead of date-based retention. The event could be contract expiry date, closing facility, an employee leaving the organization, and that […]

Records Management in SharePoint Online – Record Revisions


Updated: May 6, 2020 Microsoft’s records management in SharePoint Online has significantly matured in recent years to meet the records management requirements of most regulations and scalable to complexities of large enterprises. A key feature of records management in SharePoint online is the ability to Label a file and; Apply retention rules to manage its lifecycle, […]

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